Upcoming Events and Activities

Monthly Events and Activities

April 1st:

5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

April 6th:

8:00pm - Outside Clean-up
1:00pm - Marilee Neher Memorial Service

April 8th:

5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

April 10th:

7:00pm - Casual Evening Service

April 13th:

11:00am - 12pm  - Preschool Open House
1:00pm - Bob Hinman Memorial Service

April 15th:

5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

April 17th:

7:00pm - Casual Evening Service

April 20th:

10:00am -12:00pm - B.R.E.A.T.H. (Women's Bible Study)

April 21st:

Connection Sunday - We invite you to join us starting at 9:00 am. Pilgrim's Little Preschool and our Youth will be serving during the service. They will be singing, helping with prayers, readings and offerings. This will be a great time for Pilgrim and Preschool families to connect with each other.
Please not the time changes for this Sunday only.
9:00am - Education Hour/Confirmation Class
10:15am - Worship Service
11:30am - Lunch with out Preschool Families

6:00pm - 8:00pm - Youth Nerf Night

April 22nd:

5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

April 24th:

7:00pm - Casual Evening Service

April 27th:

10:00am - 3:00pm - Making of a Disciple w/ Pastor Nicodemus. Meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch provided.

April 29th:

5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and fellowship.

Weekly Events and Activities


5:00pm - Men's Group Dinner & Fellowship - meets in the Fellowship Hall
6:00pm - Pilgrim Life Group


10:00am - Bible Study - meets in the Fellowship Hall


9:00am - Quilters Meet (Don't need to know how to sew.)
7:00pm - Wednesday Night Casual Service



May 2nd National Day of Prayer

It is a time as a nation and individually to pray for our Nation and all in leadership roles. St. John Lutheran is hosting their church for all to come and pray. It is a time of silent, reflective, non-guided prayer. It will be open from 5am to 5pm with a potluck to follow. Pilgrim will be open for individual prayer from 8am to 1pm. Enjoy a prayerful renewal for yourself and prayers for others.

Pilgrim's Quilters Rummage Sale

May 4th - 8:00am

We are asking for lightly used items you no longer need. Please bring them to the church before 8:00am the morning of the sale, or please drop them off at the church on Thursday, May 2nd or Friday May 3rd between the hours of 8:00am - 1:00pm.

Little Pilgrim Preschool
St. Patrick's Day Parade

Knotty Group - Watercolor Lenten Cross Paintings

Family Building Competition

2023 Event Filled Memories